Why Media Studies Need Rhetoric and Phenomenology-新濠天地app
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Why Media Studies Need Rhetoric and Phenomenology

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如果说通信领域在过去的25年里发生了变化,那是轻描淡写的. As communication technology has expanded into all spheres of life, 对细致和高质量的沟通工作的需求急剧增加. At the same time, 短信潜力的增加揭示了古希腊研究过的老问题. In that era, 有说服力的演讲和写作技巧的发展被浓缩成新濠天地app现在所说的修辞学. 如今,深度假视频技术的使用和错误信息的传播对新濠天地app对真实的理解构成了类似的威胁, good, and beautiful. 电信的力量增加了辨别真伪的重要性, 并决定作为人类,新濠天地app应该如何沟通以促进社会的繁荣与和平.  新濠天地app从来没有能够在如此遥远的距离与同伴如此亲密地交谈过. 新濠天地app甚至可以大胆地说,新濠天地app正在进入一个新的诡辩时代,在这个时代,技术统治着一切形式的人类交流.

The newly designed major at Geneva entitled Communication Media & Rhetoric 努力装备今天的学生通过寻求他们的邻居的好处和基督的荣耀导航这个动荡的景观. To do so, 这个专业将当代传播媒介的研究与古人的智慧结合在一起,古人发现了比新濠天地app可能知道的更多关于传播的麻烦和困难. Along with classical rhetoric studies, 新濠天地app介绍了现象学哲学流派,作为数字技术威胁的对抗剂,数字技术强调视觉,抛弃其他感官. 人类的交流包括一系列复杂的感官事件,以及所记录的事物的更明显的影响. Phenomenology asserts that our senses, while at times misleading, can provide genuine understanding in human communication. Researchers, like Edward T. Hall, 表明新濠天地app的感觉和理解之间的关系往往比新濠天地app想象的更紧密. 把身体排除在人类的交流之外,就产生了一种对世界的非物质的理解, a place created for our bodies. 一个为身体而存在的世界意味着新濠天地app所说的和所做的对新濠天地app周围的人以及曾经在这个世界上行走的耶稣都很重要, with the primary concern being how we relate to people in our time.

The continuing study of communication at Geneva College, attentive to all these complexities, asks first and foremost what relationships ought we to encourage. 根植于强烈的倾向于说服不同的公众, 新濠天地app要问怎样才能鼓励不同的人朝向神,朝向彼此. 或者至少,引导公众走向上帝所规定的共同利益. 太多的中介性沟通会分割新濠天地app对上帝的世界和居住在其中的人的体验. 新濠天地app的目标是重新统一学生与世界和彼此的关系,使他们的专业目标与上帝赋予他们的礼物保持一致. 新濠天地app并不打算提供目前大学课程中最全面的人类交流研究. In fact, we’ll tell you we don’t. Instead, 新濠天地app的目的是让学生了解良好沟通工作的谦卑本质, 当全世界都在追求技术驱动的方法来增加颜值和喜欢度时, we’ll be calmly and carefully asking students to speak, write, read, and record with all their senses, but most of all with heart.

以他人的心为目标意味着认真对待新濠天地app的工作, even though it is commonly invisible. Like fire, good communication work does wonders in the right place. 它可以温暖房间,它可以烹饪美味的东西,它可以照亮黑暗. However, as St. James warns us, it can also burn everything down. We don’t see this as a deficit. 相反,新濠天地app工作的重要性增加了风险,使其更加重要. Just like engineers need to build good bridges, 新濠天地app培训沟通专业人员建立重要的关系,克服分歧,减轻人们的负担. Like a well-placed fire, 良好的沟通工作使新濠天地app被媒体文化麻痹的耳朵和眼睛充满活力, melt hearts hardened against love, 并鼓励与神的世界和其中的人进行丰富的接触.


-Joel Ward, PhD and Maria Shemer '26

新濠天地app博客中表达的观点是其作者的观点,并不一定代表新濠天地app的观点或官方立场. 新濠天地app博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

Oct 25, 2023

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