What Can Teachers Learn From AI About Setting Expectations? | 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app
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What Can Teachers Learn From AI About Setting Expectations?

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社会技术领域最近的一个现象是对人工智能(AI)的压倒性信心。. 社会, 作为一个整体, has come to believe that AI has the right answer, all that is needed is to ask the right question. This has even lead to a new career field called, ”prompt engineering,” where individuals not only learn how to ask questions, 但如何调整问题的位置或借口,以创造一个能够做出最正确回应的环境. What if teachers had the same faith in their students?

1968年,研究人员罗伯特·罗森塔尔(Robert Rosenthal)和莱诺·雅各布森(Lenore Jacobson)进行了一项研究. 该研究旨在调查教师期望对学生学习成绩的影响. 在研究中, 老师们被骗了,以为一般的学生都是这样, ”growth sputters,表现出惊人的学术潜力和快速智力增长的能力. (Rosenthal and Jacobson 1968). 正如预期的, 老师们鼓励这些学生更积极地学习,学生们表现得非常好.

Although this study was based on earlier work by R.K. Merton in 1948, 当然, 希腊诗歌中皮格马利翁经历了这种现象的原始版本(好, Sterzinger, and Lavigne 2018), it has been well-tested in a variety of settings. Over the next 20 years, “课堂中的皮格马利翁”(Pygmalion in the Classroom, PC)的概念几乎应用于生活的方方面面, 从训练营(Eden and Shani 1982)到零售店(Sutton and Woodman 1989), and has been found to be quite accurate.

罗森塔尔研究的有效性不仅仅体现在学生的抽象期望上, but in the teachers’ actual behavior. 认为学生成绩一般或低于平均水平的老师不会跟进学生在课堂上给出的错误答案. Why would they? Why would you question a dull student who provided a dull answer? On the contrary, 那些相信自己的学生聪明能干的老师在面对错误的答案时,会做出不同的反应, 问, ”why do you think that?” This is because if a teacher has high expectation of a student, they will look beyond the student’s response, especially when it is incorrect. 他们会花时间调查这个问题是如何被错误措辞的, or how the context may have been misinterpreted, 导致那个学生的特定错误——就像在使用人工智能时看到的那样.

In this short academic commentary, 专注于围绕AI系统审讯的社会行为, and how proper questions can generate proper answers. 这是一小步,超越了直接访问全球系统的好处,该系统为自然的人类语言查询提供可理解的答案.

此外, 它超出了人工智能因管理缺陷或程序化偏见而提供不准确信息所引起的问题. It involves a shift in our social construct, 人类对人工智能的期望高于对人类真正智能的期望. 重要的是要记住,人工智能是在反刍过去人类写作的统计反应. 人类仍然有能力创造和革新新的想法和成就.

为教师, 理解对人工智能的依赖可能不仅仅是在课堂上设定更高的期望, it may involve an overall faith in humanity. 如果老师们相信人工智能是智力成就的顶峰, 然后这种信念也会在课堂上无声地传递给学生. 学生们长大成人后,会觉得他们自己的人性和观点在自然语言处理的统计数据库面前是次要的. Although there are many exegeses of Proverbs 23:7, 一种持久的解释是,一个人发自内心的信念塑造了新濠天地app意识之外的人.

”For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. ’Eat and drink!’ he says to you, but his heart is not with you.” (The Holy Bible: World English Bible 2021, Proverbs 23:7).

尽管, or perhaps due to, 这些因素, AI has the potential to usher in an educational renaissance. Teachers who are willing to reshape questions, learn contextual positioning, and study prompt engineering to use AI for work and at home, 也许更能理解课堂教学的重要性. Rephrasing the question and altering context for AI may, 无意中, shape teachers’ ability to question students, 同时也要改进他们为课程材料传达信息的方式. 尽管人们仍然担心由于对人工智能的依赖增加而导致的潜在的非人性化, 从人们对它的期望中也可以学到宝贵的课堂经验, 以及上下文思维如何适应其正确应用.




Eden, Dov, and Abraham B Shani. 1982. “皮格马利翁去新兵训练营:期望、领导力和学员表现.” Journal of Applied Psychology 67 (2): 194.

Good, Thomas L, Natasha Sterzinger, and Alyson Lavigne. 2018. “Expectation effects: Pygmalion and the initial 20 years of research”. Educational Research and Evaluation 24 (3-5): 99–123.

Rosenthal, Robert, and Lenore Jacobson. 1968. “Pygmalion in the classroom”. The urban review 3 (1): 16–20.

Sutton, Charlotte D, and Richard W Woodman. 1989. 《新濠天地app》.” Journal of Applied Psychology 74 (6): 943.

The Holy Bible: World English Bible. 2021. ebible.org. http://ebible.org/eng-web/.


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