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Adult Students

Adult Students Program Spotlight

June 5, 2024

General Studies Program Spotlight

Learn about Geneva's Online Associate's Degree Program! If you are looking to continue your education at a flexible pace, this program might be right for you!

Adult Students Program Spotlight

May 24, 2024

Child and Family Services Program Spotlight

Geneva offers Online Degree Programs for students that require more flexibility than an on-campus program provides. One of these programs is the Child and Family Services major. Read here to learn about this program!

Adult Students

July 14, 2021

Finishing Your Degree after Time Away from Education

Going back to school to finish your degree can really be a fantastic way to continue to grow and develop in one’s line of work and as a person. Geneva provides these students with various adult program options to choose from. Each major is offered fully online, allowing for greater flexibility for the working adult.

Adult Students Financial Aid

September 20, 2017

Getting the Back to School Bug? Flexibility and Affordability Are Yours for the Taking

Concerned with what it takes to reenter school? Whether you’re interested in pursuing a graduate degree or finishing a bachelor’s program, push those worries aside and learn about the flexibility and affordability available to adult learners.

Adult Students

October 15, 2015

Managing Study Time for a Working Adult

Going back to school as an adult learner offers a wonderful opportunity to broaden your knowledge and expand your career options, but earning your Online Degree from Geneva can be a challenge. When you’ve been out of school for years, getting back into a study routine can take some time to get used to. If you’re balancing studies with work, it’s important to find ways to manage your time efficiently so that you’re able to focus on both school and your job. The following time management tips are a valuable resource when you’re adjusting to school as a working adult.

Adult Students

October 13, 2015

Family Fundamentals: A Degree In Child And Family Services

Geneva College's Professional Studies in Child and Family Services program identifies the family as the most important institution in society. This is a view that is rooted in the Bible, and lived out in contemporary culture today. Students focus on the role that the family plays in childhood development, learning how to identify dysfunctional family practices, intervene in a respectful way, and help families to improve their relationships. Graduates of this program will have the tools and experience to strengthen the family, contributing to a happier, more stable society.

Adult Students

September 15, 2015

Why You Need a Degree in Human Resources

Human Resources is a highly competitive field for good reasons: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 13-21 percent increase in job opportunities by 2020, and median annual wages for HR managers came close to $100,000 in 2012. HR positions are also perfect stepping stones up the corporate ladder if you're interested in top level management.