Busting Some Special Education Myths - Geneva College-新濠天地app
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Busting Some Special Education Myths

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Do you have a heart for teaching students with disabilities, finding inspiration in their desire for life? At Geneva College新濠天地app相信,教育有特殊需要的儿童不仅是一份职业,也是一种使命. 这是一个非常需要熟练和有资格的教育工作者的职业. According to the U.S. Department of Education, 2017-18学年,46个州的公立学校出现了特殊教育教师短缺的问题, reports CNN.

教导有残疾的学生真的是上帝赐予的特权, 一个为新濠天地app社会中许多人认为具有挑战性的人服务的机会. 其中一些挑战是由于围绕着需要特殊教育的孩子的众多神话和误解. Let’s look at some of the most prevalent.

Myth: Learning and attention issues are not common.

Fact: As many as 1 in 5 people have them. 超过一半接受特殊教育的儿童被归类为有学习障碍(LD)或其他健康障碍(OHI), 包括那些患有多动症的孩子,这是他们有资格接受特殊教育的主要原因, notes the National Center for Learning Disabilities.

Myth: There’s no cure for learning and attention issues.

Fact: Classroom accommodations, certain therapies and 其他支持可以帮助这些孩子在学校和生活中取得成功.

Myth: Learning and attention issues are linked to IQ, and people with these conditions can’t have successful careers.

Fact: Learning and attention issues are not linked to low intelligence. Such notable individuals as Richard Branson, Whoopi Goldberg, Cher, Michael Phelps, and Daymond John have learning and attention issues.

Myth: Kids in special education have to be in a separate classroom.

Fact大多数接受特殊教育服务的孩子和没有接受特殊教育服务的孩子在同一个教室. 研究表明,三分之二有学习障碍的孩子每天有80%的时间是在普通教育教室里与其他学生一起度过的. 这是《新濠天地app》(IDEA)的法律要求,被称为“限制最少的环境”," or LRE.

Myth: Kids in special education have to ride the "special bus."

Fact有些孩子确实可以使用法律允许的“特殊交通工具”,但这是可选的. 如果一个在附近学校上学的孩子在普通公交车上没有问题,或者能够乘坐公共交通工具, there’s no reason she would take a special bus.


Fact: Most kids in special education do not have severe disabilities. 大多数学生属于“特殊学习障碍”的范畴,” which means they have reading issues such as dyslexia, or math issues such as dyscalculia, “理解”的家长倡导者、前教师阿曼达·莫林解释道.

Myth: Kids in special education have to take ADHD medications.

Fact服用ADHD药物是孩子的父母在咨询医生后做出的个人决定. IDEA特别指出,学校不能要求孩子服用药物来接受服务.

Myth: Kids in special education don’t get a good education.

Fact当前位置多年来特殊教育的变化有助于确保学生获得免费适当的公共教育(FAPE),并且他们不会无缘无故地与同龄人分开. “人们对学习和注意力问题进行了更多的研究和认识. And personalized learning, multisensory teaching, and assistive technology have changed how many kids are taught,” notes Amanda Morin of Understood.

Myth: Kids in special education will be labeled forever.

Fact: It’s natural for parents to worry about the stigma of a "label,“但特殊教育侧重于基于孩子需求的服务和支持. 强烈拥护孩子权益的父母可以帮助老师了解孩子在现实生活中的为人, aside from just a label on paper. 一个及时得到她需要的帮助的孩子不一定会在她的整个学校生涯中都接受特殊教育.

If you’re looking for a special education course in PA to give you the tools to help a wide range of ages and needs, Geneva can help. 新濠天地app的PK-4课程与PK-8特殊新濠天地app计划相结合. 这使得幼儿教育工作者的培养精神能够深入到学习方式尚未完全成熟或有残疾挑战其学习能力的大龄儿童的世界.

如果你想了解更多的职业,使你能够全心全意地为你的生活服务,或者想了解更多基于圣经的工作, Christ-centered education at Geneva, we’d love to chat with you. For more information on how Geneva College 可以帮助您实现您的教育目标,请致电855-979-5563或发邮件至web@gysbmc.com.


新濠天地app博客中表达的观点是其作者的观点,并不一定代表新濠天地app的观点或官方立场. 新濠天地app博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

Nov 15, 2018

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