Benefits of an Online MBA - Geneva College-新濠天地app
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Benefits of an Online MBA

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研究生 Studies

回到学校可能意味着更高的薪水,更好的职位,在公司里更有领导地位. It can take your career in any direction you would like. But let’s be honest, 回到学校通常是非常具有挑战性的,因为它占用了你的工作和家庭的时间. Geneva College understands this, 并且很自豪地提供一个新的在线MBA课程,让你有机会实现你的梦想.

Explore Geneva College's Online MBA Program

研究生课程的需求空前高涨,但很少有学校能提供完全在线的综合课程. We've reformatted and redesigned a new, fully online MBA program that is sure to provide individuals, just like you, with exciting opportunities. 你可以方便地从家里(或其他任何地方)上学,同时仍然保持你学位要求的高质量学术.

新濠天地app的在线MBA课程是一个36小时的课程,需要两年半的时间才能完成, if you complete just one course per nine weeks. But if you’re able to commit more time, 你可以通过每学期上两门课,在一年多的时间内完成它.

We Make Education Easy

Through our online MBA program, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • 在你自己的时间,在你自己的节奏和舒适的家里完成课程
  • 学习可以立即应用于工作场所的可靠的商业技巧
  • 与新濠天地app的合格和经验丰富的教师建立持久的关系

新濠天地app新濠天地app在为学生提供卓越的教育和前沿资源方面享有盛誉. This is why Geneva continues to receive prestigious awards for its commitment to its students.

Why Get Your MBA and Why Do It Now, Online?

这么多人渴望获得MBA学位的原因是,获得这种教育具有真正的价值. 事实上, 许多完成MBA课程的人都意识到各种各样的好处,包括获得更高的薪水和更好的职业机会. 你也会与更多的人建立联系,并有机会建立一个更有利可图、更全面的网络. You'll learn new skills, access the latest information within the industry, 并获得商业世界的整体视角,通过新濠天地app10 core MBA courses that include:

  • Corporate Finance
  • Financial Management
  • Financial and Managerial Accounting
  • Management Thought and Application
  • Management Information Systems/Decision Support Systems
  • Marketing Management
  • Human Resource Systems/Organizational Behavior
  • Biblical Management and Ethics
  • Managerial Economics
  • Strategic Business Policy


新濠天地app新濠天地app的在线MBA为今天的学生提供了广泛的信息和资源.  As stated in Peter 4:10, 你们各人要用所领受的恩赐服事别人, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms.“新濠天地app新濠天地app致力于帮助今天的员工成为领导角色,并扩大你未来的职业机会。. You can learn and grow in your career, right from home, 所以无论你的激情是什么,你都可以勇往直前,有所作为.

Ready to Advance Your Education?

新濠天地app知道,对灵活学习机会的需求日益增长, 新濠天地app为这个新的在线MBA课程所能提供的一切感到兴奋.  凭借新濠天地app的认证和声誉,提供最高质量的基督教教育, you can expect big things from this program. For more information on how Geneva College 可以帮助你追求你的学术和职业目标,新濠天地app,电话:724-847-6505或

新濠天地app博客中表达的观点是其作者的观点,并不一定代表新濠天地app的观点或官方立场. 新濠天地app博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

Jul 18, 2016

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